Winter Workshop Online RegistrationONLINE REGISTRATION COMING SOON! ***Participant spot is not secured until Registration Payment is received*** Pay via Venmo @Golden-Girls, Check to GGBC, or Cash. Url Participant's First Name: * Participant's Last Name: * Grade for the Current School Year: * Pre-School Kindergarten 1st Grade 2nd Grade 3rd Grade 4th Grade 5th Grade 6th Grade Any known allergies, physical limitations, or other concerns? Parent/Guardian's First Name: * Parent/Guardian's Last Name: * Email Address: * Phone Number * Additional Emergency Contact's Name: * Emergency Phone Number: * Choose your Package: ***Shirts are not guaranteed after 11/17/2023 * $50 (includes shirt, bow, snack and craft) Add Another Participant? * Yes No Total Total: $ My child has my permission to attend the Golden Girl Winter Workshop. I release Conroe ISD, its employees, the Conroe Golden Girls, and the Golden Girls Booster Club from any responsibility in the event of injury or accident. If a medical emergency occurs and I cannot be contacted, I give my permission for emergency medical care to be given to my child. My typed named serves as an electronic signature. * Don't forget to make your payment through Venmo @Golden-Girls, or by Cash/Check made out to GGBC on or before Friday, November 17, 2023 at 11:59 PM CST to guarantee your spot!